tekno Systems > EAM Services > Shut Down / Turn Around Optimization

Shut Down / Turn Around Optimization

Shut down is a scheduled plant maintenance for an extended period of time. We get into the minute details of the processes & equipments which is difficult to look into during standard operation time. With a well managed STO process, we enhance the safety performance, integrity, reliability, Maintenance cost and efficiency of operations.

Our STO Approach:

  • Shutdown Work Identification:
    • Number of failures
    • Root causes of those failures
    • Maintenance costs associated with those failures
    • HSE issues associated with those failures
  • Shutdown Work Planning:

Planning is done to streamline task allocations, determine job procedures, identify labour requirements and to determine the budgets.

  • Shutdown Work Scheduling:

In scheduling we focus on “just in time” delivery of spare parts, Technical labour and Data availability.

  • Shutdown Maintenance Cost Control:

Shut down Maintenance costs are determined by Maintenance Activities. Actual cost thus calculated is compared to budgeted cost and then the work process are planned accordingly.

  • Historical Maintenance Data Analysis:

The historical data provide us with the equipment’s date of purchase, last maintenance scheduled, history of usage, spares quality & other minute details which helps us to do the analysis for critical works to be accomplished.

  • Shutdown Work Execution:

We make sure that Work Execution is done by our Subject Matter Experts and each minute details are monitored continuously during the complete execution phase of a shutdown.

  • Shutdown Work Difficulty Recording:

We keep a record of all the problems faced during Shutdown work execution for the useful planning of the next shut down.

Project References